The science of human performance allows us to achieve previously untapped levels of performance. We use these laws and others in how we control and shoot a handgun and how we control ourselves while doing so.

A science is the study of a particular discipline or subject of interest and determining the laws and principles that it operates by. The science of shooting is governed by these natural laws and principles. The laws of nature and physics remain unchanged. How we apply those laws and principles changes as we understand how to apply them in a better way to reach a higher level of skill or execution.

Principles are the foundation on which any art, science or discipline operates. They are applications of the laws of nature and will remain fundamentally unchanged no matter how long we live. If you understand the operating principles that your techniques are based on, you will develop a more powerful understanding of how to apply them more efficiently and thereby increase your skills. These principles will never change over time; they will simply be better understood and applied to achieve higher levels of performance. As you gain skill, knowledge and perspective, you will find that you will develop new level of understanding and awareness.

Art is the application of these laws and principles by an individual according to their understanding or preference. This is called “style”. Each person has their own style, based on how they understand and apply the principles; but we all must follow the laws and principles. Shooting is both an art and a science. It uses the laws of physics, motor learning and behavior and human psychology. Defensive shooting, in addition to the above, utilizes the laws of armed conflicts learned over many years.

We have prioritized our teaching to reflect the various missions in which the handgun may be used in order of need. First and foremost is the defensive role of the handgun. Our teaching model is based on using the handgun in deadly force situations, under high stress, high speed situations and in daylight or low light conditions.

We will never teach a technique whose primary use is on an artificial range environment and doesn’t adapt to the deadly force arena. First, it is not necessary to learn an overspecialized technique when other techniques are as good or better, and second, it can cause unintended problems when people do try to take the range technique out of its environment into another one where it may cause issues.

TPC Founders

Ron Avery

Ron Avery was the co-founder and director of training for The Tactical Performance Center (TPC). A former police officer, as well as a martial artist, Ron brought that experience into the training environment. He was internationally recognized as a researcher, firearms trainer and world-class shooter, and his training methodology has been used by hundreds of agencies and thousands of individuals across the US and internationally. He was a weapons and tactics trainer for handgun, carbine, precision rifle and shotgun, as well as advanced instructor schools, defensive tactics, low light tactics and officer survival.

Ron passed away on February 23, 2019, leaving a legacy of contributions to police firearms and defensive tactics training.

Ken Nelson

Ken is a long-time entrepreneur. He is the creator and manager of the free PractiScore project for tablet-based scoring practical shooting matches – used by most matches/clubs around the USA. He has been Match Director for multiple Area matches, 2 USPSA Nationals, the Berry’s Steel Open, the Southwest Multigun, and the ever popular Hard as Hell Multi-gun. He is an avid practical shooter who has competed in IDPA, USPSA, Steel, SASS, and 3-Gun. Ken served in the U.S. Army long ago. Currently, he runs two well established software companies.