About us

Our goals are to get you to think about your shooting, apply the principles of science and peak performance to your shooting and become aware of things you may not have known before or were really not applying correctly.

We have quantified our system in the form of physical laws, principles and concepts that are based on the laws of nature and science. Gravity is gravity, friction is friction, and leverage is leverage and so on. Force has both magnitude and direction. It can be applied at different angles to create more effective ways of controlling or directing the firearm.

Shooting is both an art and a science. It uses the laws of physics, motor learning and behavior and human psychology. Defensive shooting, in addition to the above, utilizes the laws of armed conflicts learned over many years.

We must all follow the same laws of nature and the principles our discipline is based on. We simply interpret them as best we can and try to improve our skills. As you gain in knowledge and understanding of these principles, you learn to adapt them in a new way and gain a higher level of skill and mastery.

Our Teaching Philosophy

 Hard Rules  

  • We measure our success thru your success.
  • We speak appropriately for the sex and age of those around us.
  • SAFETY FIRST! We counsel, correct, but we will separate unsafe students if needed.
  • We treat each other and students with dignity and personalized attention – NO STUDENTS LEFT BEHIND!
  • We use adult learning techniques focusing on principles, purposes, and techniques.
  • We build personalized systems for each student.
  • We objectively measure performance to track student progress.
  • We test student systems using competitive stress that is also quite fun and always positive.
  • Offer positive instruction guiding on what to do. We rarely say “don’t”.

After training with eighty-eight recognized firearms instructors within two years, Myles the Founder of Tactical Hyve, shares what he believes is the best overall pistol marksmanship class. To get instant access to the video series discussed in the video, visit: https://tacticalhyve.com/tpc-video-series

How Classes Are Structured

We strive to make a group class seem very customized and personal. We operate in small groups lead by Performance Coaches (PC). They are charged with guiding you through the goals of the class, in as personalized and custom way as possible.

Depending on the level of class/students a PC may be charged with the care and training of 4 to 8 students. There may be 50 people in a class, but other than large lectures (typically one a day) you will be working with 4 to 7 other people and usually in a location dedicated to just your group. We may have candidate PCs in attendance for mentoring. You will typically stay with your PC thru the entire class, although they may not provide all your training if the class includes module training (for instance rotating thru stations where you learn different skills/techniques). We do move people around based on skill, style of learning, or to just give you a chance to hear things presented differently.

We constantly hear how our group classes seem more personal than any other training the student has taken. That’s on purpose – because we can do it and because it leads to better student outcomes.

Before Class

Each class will typically have study/practice we hope you can do before attending. This will be at a minimum reading + watching videos + dry fire. In some cases we recommend live fire practices to hone some things we’d like you to come to class with already so we can maximize the value to you of our time together.

During Class

  • Focus on DOING THINGS RIGHT rather that doing things fast. This is the #1 thing you will need to do to get the most from the training.
  • Take notes – handwritten please!
  • Write AARs each evening. We are happy to review them with you the next morning.
  • No video or audio please. We may authorize it in some cases but generally, ask before recording.
  • Hydrate!
  • Let us know if you have new aches or pains, especially blisters or other things that might affect your safety or training status.

After Class

  • Write an AAR!
  • Design a Live Fire Practice to burn in new things you learned.
  • Design a Dry Fire practice hone new things you learned.
  • Stay in touch in our Facebook Shoot Better group.
  • Come back and train with us! You are part of the family now.

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