Ron’s Book

Practical Shooting:

Essays on Shooting, Tactics and Training from a Grandmaster

by Ronald E. Avery

─ Knowing what to do is good. Knowing why you do it is priceless.

This is a book aimed at the adult learner who is unsatisfied with approaches to learning that rely on either the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method or on appeals to authority (“Because I say so”). In the words of the author:

“In principle-based learning, the focus is on presenting the principles involved, with the trainer facilitating the training. Students are encouraged to ask questions and to try different options to determine what works best for them.”

“One of the tenets of training that I believe is the concept of allowing the student to discover things on his own whenever possible. I am a strong believer in the philosophy of not only teaching strong principles and techniques, but also teaching students to become self-aware of what they are doing and how they are doing it. Along with that is learning to analyze their performance of the skill and explore alternative ideas to find the best way for each individual.”

In a series of thought provoking articles, Ron Avery shares his insights on diverse topics such as:

  • How to shoot handguns at the highest levels of skill
  • How to be prepared for any lethal force encounter
  • Why recipe-based training fails to provide significant improvement
  • What actually works to overcome the flinch response
  • Training methods that increase mastery and speed without compromising accuracy
  • How to design your own drills

This is a rare glimpse into the mind of a true innovator in the use of force.

Buy The Book Here

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